July 3rd, 2020

Wayne O’Connor, CEO

ENMAX Corporation


Dear Mr. O’Connor,

We at the Calgary Climate Hub would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to your new city, and new position as CEO of ENMAX.  As our municipally owned utility, we have high hopes that we at the Hub can work with to transition the company to the new economy.

As such, we wanted to give you a heads up that we are launching a campaign to have ENMAX declare a net-zero target by the year 2050.  The campaign begins with an op/ed that will be running in the Calgary Herald on Saturday.  As a courtesy, we have attached the contents to this letter. Early this year, prior to the onset of COVID, we reached out to your board with the same request. We are excited with the possibility of working with you, the board of ENMAX, city councillors, and the public, to achieve this bold goal.

We recognize that being so new to the position, you are probably still just gaining your feet. But we would request that you take the opportunity to meet with us, virtually, at your convenience, so that we may discuss this possibility further.

Again, welcome to your new home!  Looking forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely,


Dr. Joe Vipond

Co-chair, Calgary Climate Hub

President-elect, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment