>>>RSVPs are now closed - Training Session Full<<<
This year's Municipal Budget will be critical for climate action in Calgary. City Council decides on key budget framework every 4 years. If we want to influence how our city works, we need to make sure our voices are heard by Council.
We need you to show City Council that Calgarians of all walks of life demand fully funded climate action be part of this budget. The public hearing will allow the public (aka, us!) to influence how our City should spend our money.
To prepare, we are running this training session to help prepare your statements and support your ability to speak.
Training topics include:
- A brief intro about city hall and the budget process - how does this whole 'budget' thing work?
- Our priorities - how the City should spend our taxpayer money to ensure fast and fair climate action in Calgary,
- How to tell a compelling story at city council, and why real stories from real people really matter,
- The nitty gritty details - how to sign up to speak, how to call in remotely, how to know when your turn to speak is coming up
- and more!
RSVP below for our Training on November 16th at 7pm via Zoom.
The chance to present to City Council will be on November 21st. Stay tuned for more info for that day's events.
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