Ward 7 Candidate Responses

We received responses from three candidates in this ward. The Calgary Climate Hub is a non-partisan organization, and posting these responses does not indicate an endorsement. Responses are presented in the order they were received and have not been edited.

General Questions

1. What are the top three issues you hope to make progress on during your time on Council?

Marilyn North Peigan Recovery (economic), Resilience (a sustainable future) & Reconciliation (an anti-racist/inclusive city)
Erin Waite Downtown revitalization through small connector projects; Increased density (no sprawl) but ensuring better community consultation so people are heard and development fits; Add mechanisms to ensure added density is accessible to variety of people, ages, families, income levels, etc.
Terry Wong 1) Urban Development, 2) Downtown Revitalization, 3) Community Quality of Life


2. Women - especially low-wage, racialized and newcomers - have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. In your capacity as a public servant, how will you address these impacts and ensure that all women benefit equitably from the economic recovery? 

Marilyn North Peigan We need to prevent a K-shaped recovery. We know that not everyone has been impacted to the same degree by the economic downturn or the pandemic (nor will they be by the impacts of Climate Change). Our platform includes fare-free transit, by expanding the free fare zone to include the suburbs where many working Calgarians will benefit, especially working women who rely on transit to get to and from their jobs.
I'm committed to working on opportunities for other levels of government to invest in our City. The feds have already made Child Care available, and I will ensure that we have at the very minimum affordable child care spaces available to families in Calgary.
Investing in Arts and Culture is important for the diversification of our economy, but ensuring that women and radicalized communities are benefiting, is a must.
Erin Waite Economic recovery, post pandemic, has to be very targeted. Not all sectors or populations are feeling impacts the same way. Targeted, informed investments will improve odds of just recovery. We know women have felt greater impacts so the most affected populations warrant the most support. Programs and investments will have to show how they know they will get support to specific people. (I've seen too many inaccessible services/programs.) Continued pressure to ensure affordable daycare is implemented is key.
Terry Wong It is critical to create a culture of equity, inclusiveness and support for all women. This starts at the job, in schools, our communities and employment centres through promotion. Secondly, within The City, I would ensure that its HR employment/hiring and compensation schemes are equatable (non-biased) with male staff. Thirdly, I would ask for assurance that there are no barriers towards women for City programs and services. Additionally, I would ask for City infrastructure to support newborn mothers through provision of baby care and feeding areas. There are other thing that can be done for seniors and new immigrant women.


3. Calgary has been dipping into emergency funds to pay for operations for the past several years. How would you approach taxation and the delivery of programs and services to Calgarians?

Marilyn North Peigan We need to end subsidizing sprawl and plan for better reinvestment into existing communities. We also need to be investing into more sustainable infrastructure, utilities and services. We also need to honest conversation with Calgarians to ensure that our budget properly reflects the values of Calgarians today but also the needs of future generations.
The S.A.V.E program and the re-org have both helped Calgarians get very good value for their taxes. But transparency and better communication are needed, and prioritization will continue to be crucial.
Erin Waite There are two levels - systemic issues around taxation and relationship with province plus how programs are funded. Strategic planning and a through-line from strategy, to planning, to investment, to measurement can be improved. Done well, there are fewer surprises and need for emergency funding. We need to capture and continue the good examples of being able to adapt that occurred during the pandemic. Big systems are hard to change but we just had a demonstration of quicker, effective change. Let's celebrate and find more of those, that go with clearer through-line from goal, strategy, planning, programming and measurement.
Terry Wong
I would advocate for 3 tax policies: 1) return the $250m tax shift to the downtown large building properties; 2) reduce the residential tax burden to 47% along with 47% on non-residential, and the remaining 6% realized through external recovery from surrounding municipalities and budget reduction. Secondly, I would implement a year-to-date budget status review in September to determine the projected yearend status and avoid any overspending. Thirdly, prohibit budget planning based upon use of fiscal reserve fund to supplement over-expenditures.


4. What is your plan for diversifying Calgary’s economy for a just transition away from oil and gas?

Marilyn North Peigan Leveraging investments from other orders of government into building retrofits, electric vehicle infrastructure and innovation is a must. This will both support our second largest industry; construction, and help Calgary be more sustainable and resilient for what's coming.
The Downtown plan is a good start but we also need to be looking at Arts and Culture as an investment, the economic revitalization is dependant upon making Calgary an amazing place to live build a life.
I am committed to creating opportunities for private investment; new industry and global companies but also opportunities for investments into our city from other orders of Government. Creating these opportunities is about listening to Calgarians and creating the business case to the rest of the country and the world.
Lastly, we need to ensure we are a technologically and culturally business friendly organization to empower, support and entice entrepreneurship. Supporting new start-ups and innovations through guidance and strategic incentives will allow Calgarians to lead the diversification of our Economy and get us off the roller-coaster.
Erin Waite Sometimes City has to get out of the way of innovation and change and in other ways, City Council has to champion benefits of a long-term transition. Getting out of the way is reducing and removing process barriers (without compromising quality and safety standards). Where are processes and regulation just because it's always been that way but no longer has a real purpose? As well, elected officials have to take citizens with them through difficult change and transition. Our job is to shape that vision and ensure people see it, feel part of it, and are with it, through to the other side. It's a responsibility to stand for that better future and support, consistently, through difficult steps along the way. The middle of a transition can be hard and some will feel negative affects before it gets better. We have to keep championing that better future if we are to get all the way through. We need broad shoulders to carry that responsibility and not cater to what people want to hear or to doubts. We have to be the beacons of optimism, through smart growth and transition, with consistency.
Terry Wong 1) Promote the development of renewable industries including technology innovation; 2) search for and entice corporate head quarter relocations to Calgary which should attract support industries to follow; 3) support small, local business; 4 encourage new business start-ups through tax deferral in year 1 and 2 of operations and recovered in year 3,4,5.

Climate Change and the Environment


1. Will you commit to setting clear interim targets for Calgary and ENMAX to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 to help limit global warming to 1.5 degrees?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes


2. Will you work to reduce emissions from buildings to net-zero by (1) ensuring The City's Sustainable Building Policy has clear targets, is transparent, and requires third-party certification, and (2) by providing incentives for privately-owned new buildings and retrofits?

Marilyn North Peigan  
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes


3. Will you support policies to ensure zero food waste not only from Calgary's restaurants, groceries, distributors, but also corporate events?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes


4. Will you strengthen the City's procurement policies to ensure goods and services are sustainably and ethically sourced? The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply states that sustainable procurement "considers the impact of environmental, economic and social factors along with price and quality."

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes


5. Do you support focusing new development within established areas instead of continuing to approve new developments on the outskirts of Calgary?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes


6. Will you support completion of the Green Line, including crossing the river to 16 Avenue N?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong No


7. Do you commit to providing equal access to low-cost, low-carbon transportation to all areas of the city, including transit, cycling and pedestrian infrastructure?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes

Equity and Inclusion

1. Which of the following measures will you support to address poverty and social isolation in our city?

  1. Affordable housing
  2. Low-income transit pass
  3. Fair Entry recreation pass
  4. Increased access to childcare
  5. Increased financial support to community associations
  6. Enough for All Poverty Reduction Strategy
  7. Other
  1 2 3 4 5 6 Other
Marilyn North Peigan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Fare Free Transit, we also need to be looking at more ways to engage Calgarians than Community Associations.
Erin Waite Yes Yes Yes Yes   Yes Prefer to emphasize mechanism for below-market rent/purchase in all multi-family units. Whole low-income buildings are stigmatizing and isolating.
Terry Wong Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes  


2. Do you support providing City services primarily through unionized City workers, or do you support contracting out City services to private companies?

  1. Maintain unionized City workers
  2. Contract out
  3. Other
  1 2 Other
Marilyn North Peigan Yes    
Erin Waite Yes    
Terry Wong Yes    


3. Would you support Fair Trade Calgary's initiative to make Calgary a globally-designated Fair Trade town? (Find out more at: http://www.fairtradecalgary.com/at-a-glance.html)

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong No


4. Do you support Universal Basic Income?

Marilyn North Peigan Yes
Erin Waite Yes
Terry Wong Yes

Diversity & Reconciliation

1. What is your plan to address the increase in hate crimes and overt displays of racism in our city?

Marilyn North Peigan Having been a part of authoring the White Goose Flying Report, it is my intention to take those recommendations that were made to the City and actually take them across the finish line.
We need to be empowering community organization beyond simply Community Associations. We also need to ensure that the Calgary Police Commission provides the transparency and accountability from Police to Calgarians that it was designed to do, as a Police Commissioner since 2017, I can say that this work is not finished.
Many of my indigenous traditions include relationship building, sharing and collective decision making. These tools will help me as a councillor. We also need to ensure that the burden of educating Calgarians on reconciliation or anti-racism does not continue to fall on radicalized communities. Education, representation, and holding all our City of Calgary employees accountable is the bare minimum.
Erin Waite I support strengthened laws and enforcement for zero tolerance. I have taken bystander training and would support more training provided more broadly (ideally supported by other levels of gov't as well). I support the GEDI Strategy and was able to participate in committee meetings to develop the strategy.
Terry Wong Declare City Hall and all related programs, services and facilities an non-racism zone which meaning banning or removing racist behaviour, individuals, and systemic barriers


2. How will you support policies to ensure more Indigenous voices are included in making municipal decisions?

Marilyn North Peigan I would be the first "status Indian" to sit on Calgary's City Council. I have lived, breathed and fought for Reconciliation my entire life. I will continue to maintain a firm footing in both worlds; the Blackfoot Nation and Canadian institutions.
Erin Waite I support the City of Calgary White Goose Flying report and recommendations. The key will be to have these recommendations along with Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion recommendations as part of every planning and resource allocation discussion, and not a side committee or added agenda item. This will take some work, some focus and commitment.
Terry Wong Ensure our communities and engagement events includes indigenous stakeholders where possible. Beyond social, environmental and economic 'triple bottom line' considerations in all Council reports, add indigenous considerations in all reports.


3. What steps will you support to increase trust and reduce uses of force by police that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous and People of Colour in Calgary? (Please use "other" for additional ideas.)

  1. Enthocultural training for police
  2. Increase number of Aboriginal Liaison Officers
  3. Alternative response models (PACT and DOAP teams)
  4. Other
  1 2 3 Other
Marilyn North Peigan Yes Yes Yes Ensure the Community Investment Framework is properly funded year over year.
Erin Waite     Yes I want to see a review of the police mandate, recognize that it is not preventative, and ensure actual preventative social services and programs are appropriately funded. This should be a part along with enforced and third-party evaluated standards of police conduct.
Terry Wong Yes Yes Yes  


Mental Health & Addictions

1. Which of the following do you support to address mental health and addictions?

  1. Implement alternative emergency response models
  2. Implement trauma-informed care
  3. Supervised consumption sites
  4. Other
  1 2 3 Other
Marilyn North Peigan Yes Yes Yes Create more Indigenous led safe spaces to address generational trauma and establish place making opportunities for healing
Erin Waite   Yes Yes This is another area where broad policy is leaving out many individuals and specific groups. I have concern for the current 'popularity' of mental health as an issue because I watch funding and services fail to reach whole populations. I will watch for that gap between the rhetoric and policy on paper vs. the on-the-ground effectiveness and access.
Terry Wong     Yes  


General Comments

Do you have any other comments you would like to share with us?

Marilyn North Peigan  
Erin Waite While you've raised many bigger, complex social issues, I see an omission that I hope to address. For too long, elected officials and business leaders have been rewarded for short-term thinking and decisions. This has to change. As we address an economic transition, climate change, structural inequities - perhaps decades required to address - our leaders have to be measured and rewarded (compensation/votes) for thinking longer-term and making the decisions for the betterment of society and the public good. I believe this is possible to achieve. In business, it's simply a matter of how compensation is defined. Boards of Directors can be pressured to address this. For elected officials, we need to educate voters and start rewarding those who stand up and make more difficult decisions for the public good, rather than catering to short-term benefits. I want to be a champion and a voice for this movement and approach. I am willing to lose short-term popularity in order to work towards setting a different expectation from our leaders. I hope to bring other Councillors and our Mayor into this endeavour with me.
Terry Wong  


Other Election Information

  • To see a current list of candidates and other election information including ward boundaries and how to vote, click here.
  • To order a Fast & Fair Climate Action lawn sign, click here.
  • To RSVP for the Mayoral Candidate Forum on September 30, click here.
  • Will you vote on October 18? Sign our pledge and let us know!

This survey was sent out to mayoral and ward councillor candidates throughout July and was developed in collaboration with the following organizations: