February 10, 2024 at 8:00am
8 hrs
Volunteer Shift Signup
Thanks for considering volunteering at our Advocacy Training - Prairies Edition event, co-hosted between Calgary Climate Hub and The Climate Reality Project Canada.
When: This SATURDAY, Feb 10th, Event starts 8am - 4pm finish
Where: Scarboro Community Association, Beltline
We are seeking volunteers for tasks in the following areas:
- Tech / AV Lead / Web Stream moderator (1 person - needed at 7am for setup)
- Greeting Table / Attendee Sign-In (2 people)
- Food & Drink setup & attendant (1-2 people)
- Venue Setup & Breakdown, & Floater (1-2 People, required at 7am for setup)
If you are available and committed to attending to support this event, please RSVP and our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you to discuss your preferences for tasks.
Volunteers will be able to watch presentations when not actively working, and lunch and refreshments are available.
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