Letter from the Eco-Elders for Climate Action:

As the announced public consultation on provincial coal policy begins, the NDP has introduced a private members which would stop current developments pending a complete review and development of a regional plan. Bill 214, The Eastern Slopes Protection Act, has been debated at committee and it is being forwarded to the full legislature. Here is a summary of Bill 214’s contents:

“The Eastern Slopes Protection Act does four things:

  1. Immediately cancels all exploration activities across the Eastern Slopes - which means a stop to road building and test pits.
  2. Permanently prohibits new coal mining and related activities in Category 1 and Category 2 lands, and cancels all existing coal leases on these lands.
  3. Prohibits coal mining and related activities in Category 3 and Category 4 lands pending the development of a thorough regional plan following extensive consultation with residents of the Eastern Slopes, Indigenous communities and elders, as well as municipalities, ranchers, farmers, agricultural, tourism and recreational businesses, and representatives of other affected industry and economic sectors.
  4. Prohibits the Alberta Energy Regulator from issuing approvals, including for water permits, in categories 3 and 4, and cancels leases issued in conjunction with the UCP’s cancellation of the 1976 Coal Development Policy in May 2020, pending the outcome of the regional plan described above. Existing mines in the operations/full production stage are unaffected.”

You can read the full Bill here: Eastern Slopes Protection Act

On April 19, the NDP will request the legislature to move the bill to the top of the order paper.  Here is how you can support this legislation:

Email the four mountain MLAs and all MLAs to tell them to vote in favour of Bill 214.

Contact the four Mountain MLAs NOW to let them know you support the Eastern Slopes Protection Act.

Tell the rest of the UCP and Independent MLAs to support Bill 214.

As Eco elders we believe this is a very important step, and is an opportunity to bring bi-partisan support to the critical matter of protecting the Eastern slopes as well as fighting against global warming.  We urge  you to contact these MLAs. 

Joan Lawrence


Writer, interpretive planner, climate activist in Treaty 7 territory.