When September 15, 2021 at 7:00pm 2 hrs
Where Online


Join us virtually for an exciting debate between candidates in Calgary's most contested constituency ahead of Elxn44.

About this event

EWB Calgary in partnership with GreenPAC is thrilled to host the 100in1 Debates on topics including Covid Economic Recovery, Climate Change, Healthcare, Truth & Reconciliation and Energy Transition for Calgary's most contested constituency ahead of the 44th Canadian federal, and Canada's first pandemic, election.

Calgary-Centre has historically always been known for its close calls when it comes to election season. For the next election, the constituency is once again forecasting a tight race. So we, in partnership with many other Calgary-based organizations, are bringing you a debate amongst the candidates to help you make a more informed decision when you head to the polls on September 20.

To ensure your safety amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the debate will be delivered in a virtual fashion. Stay tuned for more details including how you can tune in, ask questions, and make the most out of this critical debate.

We have partnered with several non-partisan organizations including Calgary Climate Hub, Fair Trade Calgary, Global Shapers Calgary, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Villages Calgary, Protect Our Winters Canada, Association of Mexicans in Calgary, Arusha Centre, Women's Centre of Calgary, Eco-Elders for Climate Action, ACGC and INTONOVUS/ Impact Calgary.