Film Screening, Fox Chaser: A Winter on the Trapline.
Nominated for 2019 BEST DOCUMENTARY PROGRAM by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television.
In the deep freeze of Northern Alberta, a young man finds freedom making a career on the trapline. With industrial development encroaching on wildlife and increasing family obligations, this may be his last chance to live his passion for the wilderness. Produced by Chris Hsiung Directed by Rio Mitchell Director of Photography Danny Cox
Panel Discussion to Follow
Join the Marda Loop Community Association’s Sustainability Committee and the students in the Energy and Environmental Innovation program at the Career and Technology Centre at Central Memorial High Schoolfor a free screening of “Fox Chaser: A Winter on the Trapline”. Nominated for 2019 BEST DOCUMENTARY PROGRAM by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the film crew and with local Indigenous youth, hosted by Matt Youens, Director and Founder of Human Elements, a Calgary-based consulting firm that helps smaller Canadian social profits (non-profits, social enterprises) thrive. Hear from local youth about broad topics including reconciliation, preserving traditions and culture and reconnecting people to the land to take on environmental issues
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