The Eco-Elders Node is offering a webinar presented by SHIFT Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health on October 21 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm.
If you, or someone you know, is currently receiving, or contributing to, a defined benefit public sector Alberta pension, this webinar may be of interest. Do you have concerns about how your pension fund investment is affecting the climate crisis? This webinar will address the climate-related financial risks for pension funds, and present how particular pension funds in Alberta are contributing to the solution, or to the problem. How invested is your pension in fossil fuels? Does it screen for investment in fossil fuels and help make a transition to greening investment? The session will address how you can engage with pension fund managers about this issue.
Additional information will be provided closer to the event.
Please note that we will need a valid email address to send you updates, so please include one in your RSVP.
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