March 30, 2021 at 7:00pm
1 hr
Wordfest online
Wordfest Presents Mark Carney: March 30, 7:00pm in discussion with Zain Velji about his new book: "Value(s): Building a Better World for All."
This event on Wordfest’s broadcast channel, Imagine On Air, is free and open to everyone. Please feel free to share the link below with your friends and family.
Go to Wordfest.com: Tune into the main landing page of Wordfest.com for a "watch-only" feed that will become available 10 minutes before showtime, when we start the pre-show.
Note: All Wordfest events are in the Mountain Time Zone. Email your questions for the Q&A segment to [email protected] (hint: you can send questions in any time between now and the final 10 minutes of the event). If you need any assistance before or during the event, please email us at [email protected].
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