- Non-partisan: We support effective climate action and policies, not specific political parties or politicians. We give credit where it is due regardless of political party. We want people from across the political spectrum to take action on climate.
- Evidence-based: We encourage critical thinking, understand and cite sources, and seek sound information.
- Collaborative: Building collaborations and coalitions is important; we seek to merge efforts for building resilience and concrete skills. E.g., we will work to identify a list of select organizations and individuals that align with our values and spheres of influence whose work we can support with confidence.
- Diverse: We host inclusive dialogue and bring more and diverse people into healthy dialogue. E.g., we will seek to identify experts and organizations from the BIPOC community who align with our values and spheres of influence.
- Volunteer led: We need the involvement of Calgarians to motivate communities and individuals to take action.
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